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Battle Princess


A noble by birth, the Princess has learnt swordplay with the greatest generals, and battle tactics with the greatest sages, making her both a great combatant and leader. Now battle-hardened and strong of will, she can now aid those around her in the art of combat.

Notes especials: The leadership of this unit enables adjacent units of the same side to deal more damage in combat, though this only applies to units of lower level. L'habilitat d'esta unitat d'esquivar li permet ignorar les 'zones de control' enemigues i, per tant, moure's sense cap problema al seu voltant.


Alvança de: Princess
Alvança a:
Cost: 60
Moviment: 6
Level: 3
Alineació: neutral
IDBattle Princess
Habilitats: liderage, fustigador

Atacs (damage - count)

13 - 4


(icon) talla-30% (icon) perfora-20%
(icon) impactar-20% (icon) foc0%
(icon) fret0% (icon) arcà20%


Cost de moviment
(icon) Aigües someres240%
(icon) Aldea170%
(icon) Arena240%
(icon) Bosc270%
(icon) Camp de bolets270%
(icon) Castell170%
(icon) Coastal Reef250%
(icon) Cova250%
(icon) Deep Water-0%
(icon) Flat160%
(icon) Frozen240%
(icon) Montanyes370%
(icon) Pantà240%
(icon) Tossals270%
(icon) Unwalkable-0%